Most of us do not budget our money because we need more in 1 or more of these three words. Why is this?
We avoid a budget because of
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on something
We don’t understand how to budget, so we become sketchy or apprehensive
We observe other ways of doing things that we consider the easy way out.
What are our Expectations?
We expect that we will become an overnight success.
Chances are you’re not going to become an overnight millionaire, which I need you to know is okay. It’s how it’s supposed to be (sorry, don’t kill the messenger!).
One thing is indisputable: If you keep your expectations in check, you can look at things rationally and clearly regarding budgeting.
What should our plans be?
An action plan is a way to make sure your vision regarding your money is made concrete. It describes the way you strategize to meet your objectives. An action plan consists of several action steps or changes.
Having a plan would be like phase one of a budget; the hard part is phase two: commitment to the plan.
What I want you to do is:
1. Know what your “Why” is.
What are your goals? What are you trying to achieve?
2. Understand your timeline.
Good things take time.
3. Set a plan/goal.
4. Stay committed!
‘Small Gains = Big Profits’

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